“Prevalence and Risk of Colorectal Neoplasia in Consumers of Alcohol in a Screening Population” Anderson J.C., Alpern Z., Sethi G., Messina C., Hubbard P., Grimson R., Martin C., Ells P. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2005; 100:2049-55
“Predictors of Proximal Neoplasia” Anderson J.C., Alpern Z., Lane B., Ells P., Brand D. Topic Forum Session, American Gastroenterology Association, Orlando, May 2003
“Prevalence of Colorectal Neoplasia in Smokers” Anderson J., Hubbard P., Grimson R., Alpern Z., Ells P., Messina C., Brand D. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2003; 98:2777-83.
“The Effect of DDT on Vitamin D Metabolism and Intestinal Calcium Binding Activity” Silver J. and Alpern Z. Chemical-Biological Interactions, 24, (1979), 133-136
“Colonoscopy in Women: Is It Still More Difficult than Colonoscopy in Men and Is a Low BMI Still a Challenge?” Anderson J.C., Dorfman M., Gold J., Alpern Z., Rajapakse R., Ainapudi R., Zurcher E., Smithy W., Sano K. Submitted to AGA 2007
“Smokers as a High-Risk Group for Colorectal Cancer Screening: What Is the Critical Exposure Level” Latreille M., Anderson J.C., Alpern Z., Martin C., Hubbard-Ells P. Submitted to AGA 2007
“Can Endoscopists Predict Difficult Colonoscopies?” Dorfman M., Gold J., Alpern Z., Rajapakse R., Ainapudi R.; Zurcher E., Smithy W., Sano K., Anderson, J.C. Submitted to AGA 2007
“Smoking and Colorectal Neoplasia: Is the Risk Similar for Women and Men?” Anderson, J.C., Wiggins J.B., Alpern Z., Martin, C.A., Hubbard P.M. Plenary Session ACG, Las Vegas, Oct. 2006
“Smokers Have a Higher Risk for Significant Colorectal Neoplasia at a Younger Age Than Those Who Have Never Smoked: Implications for Screening Guidelines” Anderson J.C., Wiggins J., Alpern Z., Martin C., Hubbard P. DDW 2006, Los Angeles, Calif.
“Performance of the Pediatric Variable Stiffness Scope (PVSS) as Compared to Two Prototype-Tapered Colonoscopes in Female Patients” Anderson J.C., Birk J.W., Von Althen I., Alpern Z. Oral Presentation, DDW 2005, Chicago, Ill.
“In a Screening Colonoscopy Population High Body Mass Index Increases Risk for Colorectal Neoplasia in Females More than Males” Anderson J.C., Alpern Z., Dakhlallah F., Martin C., Hubbard-Ells P.M., Birk J.W. Plenary Session Orlando, Oct. 2004
“Predictors of Proximal Neoplasia in Patients without Distal Adenomatous Pathology” Anderson J., Alpern Z., Messina C., Lane B., Hubbard P., Grimson R., Ells P., Brand D. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2004; 99:472-7
“Obesity in a Population Presenting for Screening Colonoscopy” Dakhlallah F., Anderson J.C., Alpern Z., Hubbard P., Martin C. Topic Forum Session AGA, New Orleans, 2004
“Alcohol Consumption and Significant Left-Sided Colorectal Neoplasia” Sethi G., Anderson J., Alpern Z., Ells P. Brand D. Plenary Session, ACG, Baltimore 2003
“A Predictive Scale for Patient’s Experience with Colonoscopy Score (PECS)” Anderson J.C., Sano K., Gootzeit B., Alpern Z., Messina C. Abstract presented to ACG, Oct. 2002, Seattle
“The Variable Stiffness Colonoscope: A Solution for the Difficult Colonoscopy?” Sano K., Gootzeit B., Alpern Z., Anderson J.C. Abstract presented at AGA, May 2002, San Francisco, Poster of Distinction (Top 10%)
“Women with Breast Cancer: Is the Risk Lower of Colorectal Neoplasia Due to Lifestyle Changes?” Anderson J.C., Chandra S., Ells P.F., Kessler S., Alpern Z., Pollack B.J., Birk J.W. Abstract presented at AGA, May 2001, Atlanta
“Does Alcohol Consumption Impact Conscious Sedation During Endoscopy?” Anderson J.C., Kessler S., Messina C.R., Gootzeit B., Ells P.F., Alpern Z., Pollack B.J. Abstract presented at AGA, May 2001, Atlanta
“Patient Satisfaction with Colonoscopy: Thinner Is Not Always Better” Anderson J.C., Gootzeit B., Messina C.R., Kessler S., Ells P., Alpern Z., Pollack B. Abstract presented at AGA, May 2001, Atlanta
“Is There an Association Between Type of Alcohol Consumed and Colorectal Neoplasia” Anderson J.C.; Messina C.R., Ph.D.; Kessler S., DO; Ells P., MD; Alpern Z., MD; Brand D., MD; Pollack B., MD; Birk J., MD. Abstract presented at AGA, May 2001, Atlanta
“Grape vs. Grain: Is Wine Associated with Lower Risk of Colorectal Polyps?” Anderson J.C.; Messina C.R., Ph.D.; Kessler S., DO; Ells P., MD; Alpern Z., MD; Brand D., MD; Birk J., MD. Abstract presented at ACG, New York, NY, Oct. 2000
“Anatomic Location of Significant Colorectal Neoplasia in Male Patients Who Smoke” Anderson J.C.; Alpern Z., MD; Ells P.F., MD; Messina C.R., Ph.D.; Pollack B., MD; Brand D., MD; Birk J.W., MD. Abstract presented at ACG, New York, NY, Oct. 2000
“Correlation of Basal Secretory Studies and In-Vitro Generation of P-Amino-Benzoic Acid (PABA) in Duodenal Juice with the Bentiromide Test” W.R. Brugge, Z.A. Alpern, C.A. Burke. Abstract Gastroenterology, May 1990
“Duodenal Basal Chymotrypsin Concentration, Content and Output Correlated with the Bentiromide Pancreatic Function Test” Z.A. Alpern, W.R. Brugge, C.A. Burke. Abstract Gastroenterology, May 1985